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Method implies two things––a way to an end, and a step by step progress in that way. Further, the following of a method implies an idea, a mental image, of the end of object to be arrived at. What do you propose that education shall effect in and for your child?
The parent who sees his way––that is, the exact force of method––to educate his child, will make use of every circumstance of the child's life almost without intention on his own part, so easy and spontaneous is a method of education based upon Natural Law. Does the child eat or drink, does he come, or go, or play––all the time he is being educated, though he is as little aware of it as he is of the act of breathing.
Listen When the Wind Blows
By Abigail A. Ward
Listen when the wind blows
The kite blows
The trees blow
Listen when the wind blows
Then that's all that it should be.
Listen when the wind blows
The clouds blow
The bushes blow
Then that's all that it should be.
The Racoon Races
By Abbey A. Ward
The racoon races
The deer chases
The birds chatter
The greens whatter
The trees whisper
A baby whimpers.
Before I was saved I did things like talking back to mommy a lot when I would say "one minute." I felt like I didn't really believe in Jesus because I was so sinful and when I got disciplined sometimes I didn't really mean it; I just prayed because I had to. I learned about the gospel from the Bible. I read the story that Jesus died on the cross and I was really sad for Him. He had to die on the cross because He took the punishment for us. One night when mommy said to pray in my bed I said "Lord, please forgive me of all my sins, please save me." Now I feel happy that I'm forgiven. I've been more obedient to mommy and have not been so bossy toward Emma and Catie. My favorite verse is Psalm 150:3 "Praise Him by blowing trumpets. Praise Him with harps and lyres." I love Jesus.