Saturday, October 25, 2008
Celebrating Autumn
We have taken some more pictures of the family. We've been pumpkin picking, carrot harvesting, and bethany birthdaying. Check out our photostream! Click on the photo gallery link at the top right.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008
cooking mama, typing for me
cooking mama
My Name is Emma and I am 8 years old and I wanted to write something on my parents blog so I decided to write about having a wii at our home and I like to cook and there was this game that was called cooking mama and I really liked it and I wanted to get it so my parents decided that they could by it for me so I had my life time supply of wii games on the wii of course not ten thousend game's for the wii.

Well, a totally different story about my typing lesson practices My mom found this website and its free so we (me and my sisters) go on that website to practice typing at first even the first lesson was the f and j key's and i eventually got it but every thing else was really hard but here I am sitting at the computer doing the blog typing in the right way to type well nothing else to tell you but i am 8 1\2 exactly
My Name is Emma and I am 8 years old and I wanted to write something on my parents blog so I decided to write about having a wii at our home and I like to cook and there was this game that was called cooking mama and I really liked it and I wanted to get it so my parents decided that they could by it for me so I had my life time supply of wii games on the wii of course not ten thousend game's for the wii.

Well, a totally different story about my typing lesson practices My mom found this website and its free so we (me and my sisters) go on that website to practice typing at first even the first lesson was the f and j key's and i eventually got it but every thing else was really hard but here I am sitting at the computer doing the blog typing in the right way to type well nothing else to tell you but i am 8 1\2 exactly
girl scout troop 11307 earns a badge!
Girl scout troop 11307 [which I`m in] went on a trip to the Baker Park and we earned a badge! We learned all about swans and how they were going extinct and then the park brought some swans to there and they have over 2,000 swans now. The place is really beautiful! We went on a walk and looked at leaves and we saw some swans floating in the lake. They were trumpeter swans. When we past the spot where there was the swans Caitlyn did not know they were trumpeter swans, even I had no idea! I thought they were just geese! [this all happened in the car when we were in the place and just about to drop me of ] Then, after our walk, we all met back at the lodge and talked about swans and air pollution and we came up with ideas to help there not to be so much air polluting and then she brought out a real swans wing! We all passed it around and she said only to stroke it with one finger. It was so soft! After that, I separated into my group that I was going to drive home with. I had so much fun! Right before I hopped out of the car she gave me my badge. I ran up our steep drive way and into my house. The family was all watching my family`s favorite show,biggest loser! Its were people lose wait and they weigh themselves on a scale every week to see how much they have lost. Then a person goes home. Its on every Tuesday night at seven until nine.

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