Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Blue Yonder Book of Days

I'm shocked! I actually won a giveaway!

Stephani from Blue Yonder has created an awesome resource that seems to fit so nicely with our family. Check her out.

I won a crinkleroot figure and a crinkleroot nature almanac! I'll show you pictures when I get them. Meanwhile check out the Crinkleroot website.

Thanks Stephani

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Andrew Mark

If you don't know the Marks' story please visit their blog

We are going to miss him. He was a good friend.

Here is a picture of them when we drove from Seattle to Minnesota together. They were moving here and we were on our way back from vacation. We stopped at Glacier National Park for a day. It was fun having them with us.

Monday, February 2, 2009

The Animal Hedge

We go to the library at least once a week and come home with armloads of wonderful books. Once in a while we get an extra-wonderful book. This is one of them: The Animal Hedge.

I just knew from looking at the pictures standing in the library that this was one of those books where you try not to cry while your are reading it to your 5 year old. Listen to the first line:

"There once lived a farmer whose heart glowed like a hot wood stove with the love of animals."

I don't like to clutter up my bookshelves with a lot of Twaddle. This is a keeper.